How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google

  • Make money online Multiple channels provide multiple opportunities. If you can find people to buy your products more than one way, why leave money on the table by only using one method?
  • You’ll find some of the things we suggest in this book can be implemented very quickly, in some cases in just a few hours. Having a range of different options helps you get your toes wet and work your way in slowly. For instance, an already established business could begin selling online with eBay over a weekend, gradually build the online business, then investigate other sales channels later.
While it’s true that some businesses have done very well by finding something simple that works and doing it over and over again for decades, most businesses are not so fortunate. Thanks to competitive pressures—other people want your customers too; remember—most businesses have to do many things in order to survive and thrive. What works today may not work tomorrow. Some method you try for finding more business may not work, or may not work well as something you haven’t yet tried. Business is an evolutionary process, with the notion of natural selection replaced by the degree of initiative of the business owners and managers. A business gradually evolves as the people running the business try new things, discard things that don’t work or that no longer work, and adopt techniques that show promise.
The three-channel method outlined in this book provides a great way to get started with an online business, showing you a number of essential techniques for surviving—and thriving—online.
In particular, companies succeeding online often use a number of strategies to do so. These are the sort of things you may one day find yourself doing:
? Selling through online auctions
? Selling through discount channels, such as
? Selling through merchant sites such as
? Selling through a web store
? . . . or, in some cases, several web stores, for different audiences or perhaps different pricing strategies
? Buying Pay Per Click ads to bring buyers from the search engines to your store
? Using Search Engine Optimization to bring buyers from the search engines without paying a click fee
? If you own an offline business, using various techniques to integrate online and offline operations, pushing business from the offline business to the online, and vice versa
? Using an affiliate program, paying other web sites commissions for purchases made by buyers arriving at your store through affiliate sites
? Publishing an e-mail newsletter to keep in touch with customers and promote your products to their friends
? Marketing through PR campaigns targeting e-mail newsletter editors
? Promoting your products through discussion groups
? And many other things . .